Own Your Beauty

So many women envy the faces, bodies, skin and hair of other women. The problem is envy. It is one thing to admire and compliment another woman like, “Hey girl your hair skin is pretty”. But to go home with the image of another woman‘s hair, skin or body in your mind and forget about all the things that make you beautiful is backwards. I think there is major growth within us when we can recognize the beauty in other people and own the beauty that we behold as individuals. I remember a friend of mine that was talking to a mutual friend of ours and she said, “We are both queen bees you just have a thrown at your house.” I thought that was a beautiful thing to say from one powerful woman to another. Too many women are caught up on the beauty of other women and do not know what works for them. Some things that work for one woman might not fit your style, frame, face or body. Beauty is not a surface thing, it is an inside out thing. So the next time your are envying someone else’s beauty you should ask yourself “I wonder if she is as beautiful on the inside?” Be your best self and own what is truly unique to you and you won’t be so quick to change yourself based on the image of someone else. Now this doesn’t mean you can’t have a style mentor, a hair care guru or a skin care expert that you take your tips from. This also doesn’t mean don’t ask for beauty secrets, ask away and share your own as well but be careful who you idolize.

He thinks we are beautiful…

I’ve dedicated this blog to beauty and skincare for women but sometimes I feel my blog needs a man’s perspective on natural beauty. Just to even things out a little lol! This is one of my favorite songs by musiq Soulchild. So enjoy his song So Beautiful

You are so beautiful…